Friday, 11 July 2014

Manage java code quality with Open Source Sonar 1.6

Sonar is an open source platform, used to manage quality of java source code. The release 1.6 of Sonar has just come out. This release represents a major evolution of the platform : from a quality metric reporting tool, Sonar becomes now a code quality management platform. Here are the major functionality that were already available in Sonar 1.5 : - Static and dynamic analysis on java projects - Centralized configuration of quality rules to be used (Checkstyle, PMD and Findbugs) - Ability to see evolution throughout time - Management of event during project lifetime - Consolidation of the project portfolio - Drill down from project to class level With version 1.6 Sonar we have added the management touch in 2 steps: 1 - Sonar is now able to manage multiple quality profiles which means that it is possible to handle in a different way libraries, technical project, legacy projects, new projects... 2 - It is possible to configure thresholds as part of a quality profile on any metric to be able to alert on issue. The alerts appear in the project consolidated view and the impacted metrics gets highlighted. The Sonar web site : The public instance of Sonar : Sonar 1.6 in screenshots

If you want to see some more find bugs  please click here

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