Difference Between ClassNotFoundException & NoClassDefFoundError


Can We Running javaProgram without main()? is it possible in JDK1.7 latest Version

it is not possible in in JDK1.7...gone are the days now.

Running Java Program without main() has become an old story now.
So far we used to write the program like this


How to Validate Email Using RegularExpression

We can validate Email using regularExpression support given by JDK

How To Send Text Messages Using Java Program

Mail.jar from JavaMail (You can download it from


Load on Startup in web.xml

The load-on-startup element of web-app loads the servlet at the time of deployment or server start if value is positive. It is also known as pre initialization of servlet.
You can pass positive and negative value for the servlet.
It's important to see how to read and write Excel because it's day to day..requirment

How to read Excel sheet by java code


How To Sort A Map In Java

Two Java examples to demonstrate how to sort a Map by its keys – TreeMap, and by its values – Comparator.
Java Collection is base topic for every java's concept of real coder
We must understand it..
please read it .and utilize in your program or project.
it will help you..


What is the concept behind Load on StartUp:---
crazy to learn:----------------

Gone are the Days of XML: however somewhere still we need to you XML
but almost 90% market  already captured by Annotation

Java Annotaion

No Java,Until security ..and that is the power of java

Java SHA:--

How To Download File From Website- Java / Jsp
Here i show a simple java example to demonstrate how to let user download a file from website. No matter you are using struts , JSP, Spring or whatever other java framework, the logic is same.


Java – Find Location Using Ip Address

In this example, we show you how to find a location (country, city, latitude, longitude) using an IP address.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is LDAP used for?
Answer is focus on why using LDAP, not what is LDAP.
Counting Semaphore Example in Java
----------------------------------------------------------------------------SCALA vs JAVA
Scala is new generation JVM language, which is generating popularity as 
alternative of arguable one of the most popular 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Agile methodology
a developer must know about the methodology...

----------------------------------------------------------------------------What is PATH and CLASSPATH in Java - Path vs ClassPath
What is PATH and CLASSPATH in Java
PATH and CLASSPATH are two most important environment variable of Java environment which is used to find JDK binaries used to compile conti....

Why StringBuffer and StringBuilder has not overridden equals() and hashCode()

this is most interesting a tricky question ?
hash code and equals always some doubt for student...........

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