
RestFul WebService:-

Soap send request only in soap way:-
Rest can send json,xml,any test undersand b/w client and server:-
Soap- Need wsdl
Rest- No need and dcoc,,if in case any required then,. very less will be
Soap webservice has bunch of rules and it has to follow every rules if not then it's not saop webservice

Restful is a concept it's an idea no committee will tell you you need to follow this way it's not a specification
weather.com/lookup.action?unqiid=98990 --------> action based

Resource based url:_weather.com/lookup/zipcod/2999  

it seems like data is there and we are fetching.. directly from server ,, server not doing any action ...it might doing interanlaly

but showing not doing only giving but action based it will show that it's doing
--------------------Http Methods:-
Representational state transfer
Get(idempotent) won't change state

Delete (Good restful API use all of it together):-

  • GET requests can be cached
  • GET requests remain in the browser history
  • GET requests can be bookmarked
  • GET requests should never be used when dealing with sensitive data
  • GET requests have length restrictions
  • GET requests should be used only to retrieve data

  • POST requests are never cached
  • POST requests do not remain in the browser history
  • POST requests cannot be bookmarked
  • POST requests have no restrictions on data length

  • --------------------------------------------------------------------
     to use POST to create resources,
    use PUT to update resources.(Put is Idempotent) so no change in state.

    http defines those things it has status codes:-
    100 infrmational
    200 sucess
    500 servver errror
    300- redirection
    400 client error
    Header value contain value Content type  for underatnding . the data
    for restful:-
    Resourcebased URI
    choose right http method
    http status codes
    message header (content type)

    cache mechnism only for get request ..because we are only retering data

    Jersey Implementation,
    Apache CXF;-

    Main Annotation used in Jersey,
    @Path(/your path name),ex @Path(/welcome)
    @PathParam, Ex-m1(@pathParam ("name") String name)
    @QueryParam("name")String name-but here query is parameter like :url?name="ashish"
    @Context:- instead of fetching using QueryParam fetch dirctly via context reference
    @FormParam("name")String name

    Now while giving response from method we need to do following thing:-

    p Response m1()
    String result="any thing";
    We simple create the Jersey client and consume the webservices:--

    This place we are having lots of restful webservices to consume what you need to do ,create the client for all and use them

    we have below approach for creating client;-


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