Tuesday, 11 August 2015

What is JSR and what's its use?

JSRs are Java Specification Requests, basically change requests for the Java language, libraries and other components.
It's all part of the Java Community Process, whereby interested parties can put forward their ideas for enhancements and (hopefully) have them taken up and acted upon. The process is detailed here.
For example, the Bluetooth one you mention is tracked here and the definitive list is maintained here.


Sunday, 2 August 2015

What is the Jenkins and Maven difference

Maven-build tool Jenkins-CI tool. you can read more about Jenkins here:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenkins_(software) it's stackoverflow difference here:- --------------------------------------------------------------- Maven is building tool/environment. Jenkins, on the other hand, is a CI (continuous integration) tool. Maven is more like a replacement for Ant. It gives basic support for build and version control, JUnit tests, etc... you define what you want to do in a pom.xml file. Jenkins itself doen't support build / version control or JUnit, but rather it calls the pom.xml file you have defined in your project. Jenkins gives you the power to decide when to call the pom.xml file, how to call, and what you want to do with the outcome. This is a powerful idea. For example, you can ask Jenkins to trigger a build or run through all JUnit tests whenever new code is committed and then, if the unit tests are passed, deploy on a target machine. This is the basic idea of auto deployment or AKA continuous integration. CI for short if you like. ---------------------------------------------------- Ref:- http://javarevisited.blogspot.in/2015/01/difference-between-maven-ant-jenkins-and-hudson.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10834262/jenkins-and-maven-difference